How to choose the ideal wooden floor?

When choosing a wooden floor, it is necessary to pay attention to some details and choose which type of floor is best suited for your home.

Sophisticated and classic, wood coverings are still one of the first options for many people’s homes.

If you are part of the group of supporters of wooden floors, check out in this article the types of wooden flooring and how to choose the ideal one for your home.

solid wood
Solid wood is a type of raw material extracted from trees, it does not undergo any type of alteration in its structure, only in its format.

Source: Futurist Architecture
Solid wood floors are known and sought after for their high quality and durability. They have a more rustic finish, reminiscent of the floors of farms and old houses .

from demolition wood
Demolition wood, as the name implies, is a type of material reused from wood extracted from old buildings.

Old constructions, such as houses and farms, were built with high quality raw materials and, therefore, this type of coating has a more robust structure and greater durability.

The demolition wood floor has a more rustic look, with strong marking lines and a rougher texture. For this reason, this type of coating is ideal for those who want to create a retro environment.

Laminate flooring is ideal for those who want to give a more sophisticated look to the environment.

It has an elegant striking effect due to the linear formation of the blades, which are almost always shiny – due to a protective resin that is applied to their surface. This effect brings the feeling of a pleasant floor to the eyes of the beholder.

Currently, there are several types of laminated coatings. When choosing a wooden floor, it is possible to look for other colors and escape the traditional light and dark brown.

cleaning and care
Hardwood floors are easy to clean. A vacuum cleaner, a broom with soft bristles and a damp cloth are enough to keep the floor clean and well maintained.

For the heaviest stains, a wet cloth with water will do the trick. It is not necessary to wash the floor to eliminate the dirt.

It is also not necessary to wax laminate floors, because they have a protective film on their surface, as mentioned.

There are also specific products for laminate floors, these help to preserve the brightness of the laminates.

Wooden floors are great allies for outdoor areas. In areas with a swimming pool, brown and blue create a harmonious contrast to the environment, which is why wood coatings are often used in these areas.

Source: habitissimo
This type of flooring, known as ‘decking’, must be applied with caution in these environments. This so that it does not release splinters or become too slippery when wet. Careful installation and maintenance is essential to prevent accidents.

In addition, this type of flooring is very suitable for outdoor areas, as it brings a sophisticated air to the environments.

Laminate floors more easily absorb ambient noise, unlike porcelain tiles. In this sense, they are ideal for those who like to listen to loud music and gather a lot of people.

However, when choosing a wooden floor, caution is required for those who live in apartments and townhouses.

This is because if the residents of the house wear high or very hard shoes, the steps will be echoed by the rulers, making the noises more acute —especially if the rulers are floating.

For these cases, one option is to install acoustic blankets, which serve precisely to soften the noise of footsteps on the floor.

However, the blankets do not completely reduce the noise and, therefore, it will be necessary to think about whether the noise will not bother you in the future., about Luxury vinyl flooring in Jacksonville

The fact is that laminates are in everything, and it’s not new. Therefore, when choosing a wooden floor, review the options above and see which one best suits your taste and use them without fear!

Did you like this article on how to choose the ideal hardwood floor for your home? Do you have any suggestions? Then share your opinion and experience with us. See you soon and good renovation!

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